3月11日の東日本大震災以降、連日世界各国の製作者・取引業者からお見舞いの連絡を受けております。皆日本の復旧復興を望み、自分達に何かできる事はないかと申し出てくれています。 またそれぞれが各国でできる寄付やチャリティーなどに積極的に参加してくれているようです。 私達も彼らの想いに応えるべく、前向きに頑張っていきたいと思います。 Dear all the friends in Japan,Hoping you recover from this tragic event. Our thoughts are always with you.
Our deep thoughts and emotions are with the Japanese people,
and we hope that the enormous damages can be repaired.
Reinhold Schnabl and Wolfgang Schnabl
Our compassion towards japanese people in these times of great sorrow and fear is far beyond what words can tell.We admire the way they stand and their dignity.
We feel one single community.We wish music brought Japanese soul some healing.
No matter how far we are from Japan,to express our solidarty with all people
in disaster hit areas across your beautiful country.
With heartfelt greetings,